Valentine’s Day and Love By: Gary L. Wimmer

Thursday, January 30, 2014

 Valentine’s Day was originally known as Saint Valentine's Day and/or the Feast of Saint Valentine, and it is celebrated each year in many countries around the world on February 14. It began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. Over time, stories evolved or were invented for each saint with accompanying tales of martyrdom, imprisonment and execution.
It was during the Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished, that Valentine’s Day became associated with romantic love, in part due to Chaucer's poetry about “Valentines.” In 18th-century England it became known as a day when lovers expressed their love for each other by offering flowers or sweets, and/or by sending greeting cards, which gave us the symbols still used today: hearts, doves, and figures of the winged Cupid.
The history of Valentine’s Day is somewhat shrouded in mystery, but it is inspiring that what started out as a rather serious, even morbid day that focused on pain and death evolved into a day to celebrate romance, happiness, relationships, and all those other great things that inspire us and bring us back to the basics of what life is really all about: love.
Humans are complicated creatures. We always seem to be in some stage of balancing our external and internal worlds, quelling or satisfying our hopes and desires, or searching for something. For one person the goal may be peace and happiness, for another it might be money and power, and for someone else it might be to selflessly serve humanity. And at our very core we all know that we are unique, endowed with our various concoctions of the good, the bad and the ugly. Bottom line, being one-of-a-kind also means we are all alone. Add in life’s constant curve balls, and it is enlightening that most of Mother Earth’s eight billion inhabitants deal with life and its struggles rather well. What makes this happen?
Love in some form or another. Consider this: If we did not love each other to some degree, there would be considerably less peace in the world and our problems would be insurmountable.
Backtrack to the 1967 and the Beatles song “All You Need Is Love.” John Lennon admitted it was a propaganda song, and stated, “I'm a revolutionary artist. My art is dedicated to change.” Still, the song seemed a little too optimistic to me when I first heard it decades ago. The Vietnam War was in full swing, antiwar protestors were considered traitors, cultures collided, and people got hurt.
But now, with the world even more complicated, the message behind that song seems to epitomize the only real truth. Yes, there is too much tension, hate, war, poverty and hunger, but as our love grows, so does our humanity. This world of contrasts does have a way of making some simple things quite mysterious, like how we often learn about one aspect of life only after by being bombarded with its opposite. Accordingly, learning more about love is the result of not knowing enough about it, or perhaps not practicing it as much as we could.
Granted, all people see love somewhat differently. Many years ago, a beer-guzzling, honky-tonk piano player ran it down for me as I drove us to a dance hall gig. “I see it this-a-way. There’s fifty-one percent good crap and forty-nine percent bad crap, and that’s just enough to tip the scales in the good crap direction.” I didn’t challenge his figures or his mystical analogy, but I did enjoy his crude way of expressing what he considered love to be, as that was our topic of conversation. 
Everything in Nature grows and expands. So does consciousness, and therefore, human love. Valentine’s Day evolved from being seen in terms of hardship and pain to expressing love and happiness. A similar process of evolution is going on within all of us and throughout our world, whether we know it or not. One does not have to understand or believe in gravity for it to work. The same goes for the Infinite Love from which we came, and for that flicker of love that is at the core of every human, whether we recognize it or not. Collectively and individually, we are realizing more about our interconnectedness, and that awareness lends itself to becoming more concerned about our fellow humans. And what is that but love.
In addition to showing our love to those close to us, perhaps this Valentine’s Day we can boldly contribute our own feelings of love to the growing awareness of the Universal Love that is unfolding. How? By loving who we are, where we are, and everything that brought us to this moment – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Then we can liberate ourselves from what we feel as our limitations and become even greater expressions of the love we want to see in the world. Every little contribution matters, be it a chocolate candy to a mate or an anonymous gift to a homeless stranger. It all adds up.
All You Need Is Love. It sounds so simple, yet it is so profoundly true. If we loved each other enough, we would conquer most of humanity’s problems. Rising waters raise all ships, and though that concept has yet to clearly translate into sane world policies to the degree it should, the fact remains that all ships are indeed raised by rising waters. The ocean of love is growing, slowly but surely. Make this Valentine’s Day the most special of all, the day when you once again expand your concepts of love. It’s a win-win scenario, as well as enlightening and fun! And you can do the same thing again next Valentine’s Day. Or better yet, every day.
By Gary L. Wimmer ~ Psychic and Author

A Path of Extra-Ordinary Knowledge (Personal Power) By: Alfred Carrico

Saturday, January 4, 2014

“If you don’t know where you are going, any path will take you there.” ~Lewis Carroll

The warrior lives strategically, which means that he can formulate a plan and follow it. Knowledge or Enlightenment are “the BIG GAME” that the warrior, hunter and meditator are after. There is a mystical view of power that alludes to unseen forces. The notion of personal power considered here is seen to be the primary fuel that propels the warrior on his quest.

We can think of personal power as a form of energy bequeathed by a relationship with the Universe. This energy could be the life force itself.

Personal power can be the ability to live and work in a certain way that results in unfolding one’s potential and expanding one’s knowledge of the Universe by forays into the unknown. This will lead to further development of one’s relationship with the Universe. A deepening relationship bestows even more personal power on the warrior.

A being has a distinct identity and is identified by some kind of border, such as skin, that separates it from its surroundings. Living as a person means that there is some kind of a border between yourself and your surroundings, and your continued existence necessitates a relationship with the Universe. The self cannot survive without it. The border separating the two must be semi-permeable because an exchange of energy with the environment is necessary.

The point is that living beings get energy from the Universe by living in relationship with it. The basis of the relationship is the exchange of energy. Being alive means that we have personal power by the nature of our energy exchange with the world around us.
The warrior does not settle, he seeks more power so he can live at more effective and efficient levels. Therefore, he must expand and enhance his relationship with the Universe. Once the warrior has the capacity to live strategically he can become free of the Law of Accident and begin to live under the Law of Cause & Effect.

Only with a sufficient amount of personal power can one do what one wants. Don Juan told Castaneda, “A warrior actually affected the outcome of events by the force of his awareness and his unbending intent.” The warrior has the clarity to formulate intentions and the power to actualize those intentions.

Both warriors and ordinary people begin with a certain amount of power, but what happens to it? The answer is that we choose to spend it in certain ways, either through awareness or default . We must spend power to stay alive. Beyond this the question is, How do you want to live?

Most people aspire to a happy-go-lucky state of mediocrity. With this choice power is spent on survival and the rest goes to what we call power leaks.

The Warrior’s Choice

The warrior’s choice of how to spend his power springs from his recognition that something other than mediocrity exists. He believes that life is more than trying to get by, hoping to avoid trouble. There is a recognition that there is more. Consequently, the warrior strives to use his ration of personal power wisely and productively. This means that he tightens his life so that he wastes as little power as possible. In the warriorship teachings this is called impeccability. By reclaiming power from power leaks, the warrior sets out to expand his relationship with the Universe and claim even more power. He uses this power to be more effective and continue his quest for an ever expanding relationship with world.

To expand one’s relationship with the Universe it is necessary to contact parts of the world outside the confines of what one already knows. In other words, one must hunt power in the unknown. This is the core of the warrior’s life --- all other things a warrior does, from practicing his discipline to coming to terms with fear, are designed to facilitate and empower this quest

Personal power is the key to the warrior’s existence. He has only two possessions --- his personal power and the time he has between Now and his death. It is personal power that enables one to use the time to attain freedom and it is personal power that enables the warrior to travel the path with heart.

According to donJuan, “Everything in a warrior’s world depends on personal power and personal power depends on impeccability.”  One way of defining impeccability  is to say that, it is the conscious application of one’s resources to the matter at hand. To do this it is necessary to be truly awake, free of habitual behavior, aware of what you are doing and how you are using your personal power.

This capacity to act in ways that free power for the warrior’s use seems to be the core of impeccability. As don Juan tells us, “The only thing that counts is impeccability, that is, freed energy.”The warrior must develop internal guides that come from the struggle for impeccability.

Alfred Carrico is the founder of San Antonio Metaphysics Meetup. His  mission is to help people develop “ Extra-Ordinary Knowledge” He begins a series of meetings on “A Path of Extra-Ordinary Knowledge” in January, 2014, in San Antonio.

Call for time, dates, and location. (210)334-0782 or