X-TASY (Freeing The Spirit) By: Alfred Carrico

Monday, March 31, 2014


  “Map-makers, myth-dancers, and Shamans live internally in a multi-dimensional realm continuous with so-called ordinary reality.”  Joan Halifax

            One of the shamanic tasks involves making the self, whole. The self is your body, heart, mind, soul, and spirit. When your spirit is free, it fills you with ecstasy. Ecstasy means being fully alive. Your spirit is the dimension that connects you to everything. 
            The path to ecstasy is through the 5 layers of consciousness. We view ourselves, relationships, personal history, groups we are a part of, the ebb and flow of daily life, through these layers. The layers are referred to here as : First Layer – Inertia – the level of unconsciousness.   Second Layer – Imitation.   Third Layer –  Intuition. Fourth Layer – Imagination.  Fifth Layer – Inspiration.

            The journey from inertia to ecstasy is the natural birthright of each one of us. On this path to your whole, true self, the core feelings are your allies.

            Beginning with the first layer, Inertia, is simply the place from which to start. This is where the part of us that is known as self-importance lives. Listen to the voices of inertia: You’ve got to plan ahead. Be Careful. Be prepared. Don’t burn your bridges. You’ll regret it. You’ll be sorry.

            The second layer, Imitation, is the level in which you strive for something more in your life and allow yourself to pay attention to your own growth. This is where you begin to search for a teacher to get you moving in the direction of spiritual liberation.
            The third layer, Intuition, is where at some point, from deep within, you realize that you are not becoming who you truly want to be and you begin to yearn for what you don’t have – a rooted connection to an original, creative self.

            The fourth layer, Imagination, is where the power of great creative artists like Elvis or Marilyn Monroe comes from. Imagination is the level at which you become the “STAR” in your own movie, getting serious about doing something special in your life.

            The fifth layer, Inspiration, is where pure energy, totally connected to the life force that vibrates through you. When you experience moments of ecstasy, they come as a taste of how life is meant to be. It is an ideal, a goal, but it can be the expectation of every day.

Alfred Carrico has 30+ years experience with Sacred Knowledge & Metaphysical concepts. His mission is to guide members on “A Path of Extra-Ordinary Knowledge.”  For more info Call (210)334-0782  or  E-mail:TheMantra1@netzero.net

DETOX For Better Health By: Dr. Wallace V. Nelson ND

Friday, March 28, 2014


Many holistic health experts believe that much of the degenerative disease that faces Americans is due in large part to the presence of toxic chemicals in nearly everything that we eat, drink and breathe. In order to start to get well, the first step is to cleanse the body through Detoxification. This is accomplished through a total body cleansing program, which cleans the liver, bowels, kidneys, and the blood supply. It helps restore the peristaltic action of the colon, and helps to rid the body of mucus, toxins and waste materials. These materials often become trapped in the colon, in some cases for many years. A successful cleanse is achieved through a three-day liquid detoxification and accompanying supplementation that will replace the normal diet and clean the body systems. This is the way to treat degenerative symptoms without drugs or chemicals, and to begin the journey to better health.


Almost every chronic disease is due to the influence of bacterial poisons diffusing into the body systems from the intestine. 95% of all degenerative disease begins in one organ of the body — the colon. It is often possible to recognize the progression of poor health and find that generally all degenerative disease can be traced back to lifestyle and a toxic colon and body. The opposing side of this argument is that by lifestyle change and beginning at the source (the colon) to restore health, one can reverse degenerative symptoms. Dramatic changes in health occur simply by following a cleansing lifestyle.

The colon is part of the large intestine of the body and acts as the disposal system for human body waste. Much of what we eat, drink, breathe, and most of what our body is trying to slough off (such as atrophied tissue or dead cell growth), is eliminated out of the colon. The parts of the colon include an ascending colon, a transverse colon, a descending colon, and elimination through the rectum. The colon is an organ that is approximately five feet long and two and one half inches in diameter.

In a healthy person, within 8–10 hours of eating, food has passed through the mouth (worked upon by digestive enzymes in the saliva), through the esophagus, digested in the stomach, and gone through the small intestine, becoming mostly digested. It then enters the large intestine.

When waste material finally reaches the colon, the organ then performs peristaltic (accordion-type) action to move the waste along for elimination. This entire process should happen within 24–36 hours of eating. This means that a healthy body eliminates what is eaten for breakfast by noon of the next day.

The average person eats processed foods, overcooked foods, and very little fiber. We eat way too much sugar, excessive salt, and red meat. We don’t drink enough water, we don’t exercise enough, and stress is rampant. We attempt to prevent the body’s natural cleansing processes when we are sick or uncomfortable through chemical mediation, retaining unwanted wastes. Because of these factors, tract time (or elimination time) has slowed to anywhere from 6–30 days. The colon becomes clogged with waste that starts accumulating and forming layers of encrustation on its walls. The waste material begins decomposition and causes fermentation and putrefaction, which can lead to serious health problems.

Constipation is derived from the Latin “constipatus”, which means to press or crowd together, to pack, or to cram. Constipation means that the packed accumulation of feces makes the cleansing organ impossible to function.

As Dr. Bernard Jensen says, a cesspool colon “distills the poisons of decay, fermentation and putrefaction into the blood, poisons the brain and nervous system, poisons the heart so we are weak and listless, poisons the lungs so the breath is foul, poisons the digestive organs so we are in distress, poisons the body so we are unhealthy. In short, every organ of the body is poisoned. We age prematurely, the pleasure of living is gone.”

Restore your health, and regain the pleasure of living by giving your body, mind and soul the gift of detoxification.

CHOOSING GOOD FOODS - The Choices You Make Directly Impact Your Health by Dr. Wallace V. Nelson, ND

Friday, March 7, 2014


Today, Americans are facing an unprecedented assault on their wellbeing and way of life.  The perpetrators of this assault are an axis of bad-intentioned nasties working night and day to undo the most valuable parts of our lives and our culture.  They are the health-destroying trio of big money processed foods, harmful chemicals that ooze through the products we buy and use, and our own lack of willpower to steer ourselves clear of the traps laid with sweets, soda, and tempting junk foods.

The silver lining of this bleak forecast is that we each have the power to overcome the assault of health-robbing thieves by making just a few simple adjustments to our daily habits.  While it is true that our unique genetic blueprints play a role in our susceptibility to obesity, diabetes, and other disorders; we often have much more control than many realize over if we personally will ever be afflicted by them.  If we can apply the simple steps outlined below, risk factors for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. can be dramatically reduced, and quality of life can be just as dramatically improved.

·         Processed junk foods have a strangle hold on the standard American diet.  They line the shelves of our supermarkets and have forced themselves into the menus of restaurants and even into our kids lunches at school.  They provide very little nutrition compared to whole natural foods.  Their concentration of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients are pathetically low.  In the place of those life-giving nutrients, we find additives, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors, and many other ingredients that would never be found in your kitchen at home.  These foods expand your waistline without building your health.  They have contributed to a modern nutritional paradox of a nation of people who are overfed but undernourished.  The fix here is simple, if not exactly easy:  replace these processed foods in your diet with healthy, natural foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy whole grains.  While it may be tough to replace all processed foods that you eat, it is easy to begin to replace a few.  Start small and build upon those successes.  Every cupcake given up in favor of a healthier choice is a small victory in the fight for a healthier future.

·         The additives in processed foods, along with thousands of other household chemicals, saddle our bodies with a burden of the removal of chemicals that are not beneficial to the health of our bodies.  Some can be downright harmful.  These chemicals are known by many as “toxins”.  Your body is in a constant battle to remove these toxins to make way for healthy nutrients, and to avoid any damage that can be done by their buildup.  Your body was made with its own waste disposal system specifically to handle these toxins, primarily your liver and kidneys.  However, the saturation of potentially harmful chemicals has reached an unmanageable level in the modern world.  Your body needs help to deal with this overload of toxic junk.  You can give your body the boost it needs by regularly performing a healthy detoxification process.  Ideally, a detoxification is to be completed at the change of each season.  Think of it as Spring cleaning for your body.

·         I have found in my years as a health practitioner that most everyone already knows what needs to be done for better health.  We all know that natural, fresh foods are better than processed.  We all know that getting a proper amount of sleep helps us feel and look better.  We all know that exercise is a good idea.  The tough part is making the choices to do what you already know is good for you.  I repeat the advice that I gave previously.  Start small.  Make one good choice today.  Follow it up with more good choices tomorrow.  Repeat for the rest of your life, and enjoy a brighter, healthier future.

Dr. Wallace V. Nelson, N.D. CNHP is a natural health practitioner  living in Salt Lake City, Utah.

“Our Energetic Bodies, Our Health” By: Brunie Kosta

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


This month’s theme revolves around the Aura, Meridians, Chakras and the Organs.  I was asked to write this article and thought it would be easy enough to write however it has turned out to be a little more daunting than expected.  As simplistic as it sounds there are also other aspects related to esoteric study or spirituality not covered in this article.  (The Author)

There are many schools to thought about the chakras and the Aura. So let us take these one by one.  Generally when one hears people talk about the aura it is implied that there is one component of this vehicle.
The aura is an energy field that surrounds the body.  To be more exact the aura is your personal energy field, but you don’t just have one aura.  Instead, the aura is a set of several-interlocking energy fields that surround and inter-penetrate the physical body.  Each person has three auras. (1) The Inner Aura, an “inner shield” of prana that stretches out about six inches from the physical body (if the person is healthy).  (2) The Outer Aura an “exterior casing” of prana that envelops both the physical body and the inner aura which can reach out many feet beyond the physical body. (3) The Health Aura which is a series of approximately two foot long pranic beams that emanate from the body’s pores and extend well into the outer aura.

In a healthy person these rays are straight and well defined, but in a sick person they are crooked or droopy. 
What is Prana and where does it come from?  Prana is the fuel which the body uses to stay alive.  It is an Indian word for life force.  Thus it is often referred to as Universal life force.  One may know it as Chi or Ki and sometimes Bio-Synthetic fuel.  We get it from the Sun, the air and even the ground, known as earth or ground prana.  Yes, we also get prana from the foods we  eat.  Some foods have more prana than others, however the source is still the sun.

Prana is strongest and most plentiful during the day.  As seen above there is still prana at night, but levels are lower at night. 
The Aura or energy field contains Chakras and Meridians.  Chakra is the Sanskrit word for “wheel”.  Wheel is the term for the body’s power centers or transformers which take in and distribute life force or prana throughout the energy body via the meridians.  There are still many schools which use the seven chakra model.  This does not make them wrong.  That is simply the patterns which their High Masters or teachers chose to reveal at that time.  Through evolution of humanity other chakras were revealed.
You have 11 major chakras and many minor chakras.  Each chakra controls and directs energy to one or more organs.
The meridians are the energy channels, or “energy highways” for your aura.  The meridians take energy from the chakras and carry it throughout the body.
Together this three dimensional arrangements or auras, chakras and meridians that surround and interpenetrate the physical body is comprised of what is called your energetic anatomy or energy body.
The premise of energy and the health of the body is that with proper maintenance the body has enough energy to repair and heal itself.  Left untreated, unbalanced or neglected, diseased energy sets in and over time becomes physical.
Regular maintenance is therefore highly recommended through a clean healthy diet, exercise and regular therapy.  As always energy healing should be complementary to allopthaic medicine, not a replacement for medical check-ups, medication and or treatments.

Brunie Kosta is an MCKS Certified Associate Pranic Healer© She is also an MCKS Pranic Healing Instructor®

Brunie Kosta may be contacted via e-mail:  Brunie@PranicHealing.com or BrunieKPH@gmail.com

Reference Materials/ Suggested Reading
Your Hands Can Heal You – Stephen Co and Eric B. Robbins MD.
Other Books by Master Stephen Co and Eric B. Robbins MD.
The Chakras and Their Functions- Compiled from the books of Master Choa Kok Sui