We're making some changes around here...

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

If you have gotten this far on our new website I think it is pretty obvious we have made some changes and improvements on our look and all out navigation of our website. We have done are best to make it interesting and easy to find exactly what you are looking for.

So what was once the newsletter is now going to be our blog. There will be a new stream of articles coming in all month. Our newsletter is being redesigned now and will be available to you via email and we will archive it on our new site as well.You can expect to find monthly promotions for the Wholistic Festival from vendors and exhibitors. Any important announcements and we are working on a few fun features as well.

That's it for now please check out or blog constantly as we will have topics about:
  • Metaphysics
  • Astrology
  • Feng Shui
  • Reflexology
  • And many more...
We are always happy to hear feedback & suggestions; because what we do, we do for you.
Thanks for being a supporter of The San Antonio Wholistic Festival!
~Trish Wolfe

Managing Holiday Anxiety and Stress

Sunday, December 1, 2013


by Michael Schwartz, Mind-Body Nutritional Consultant

Anxiety and stress are natural components of our daily lives, but holiday preparations or other special events can intensify these to unhealthy levels. When managed properly, anxiety and stress can provide a healthy dose of motivation and may lead to creative expression. However, when left un-checked and uncontrolled, the effects can be disruptive to our daily lives, especially our health.

When we lose perspective on simple stress, then impatience, irritability, lack of concentration or nervous exhaustion may manifest. It can take a physical toll on our bodies, as well. Muscle fatigue, physical exhaustion and indigestion are just some of the side effects of unmanaged stress.

The external causes of stress can be due to a multitude of reasons. The problem is not so much the stress, but how we deal with it intellectually and how our bodies are able to deal with it physically. Our body’s ability to deal with and counter the effects of stress can be compromised by a poor diet, a lack of exercise, poor self-esteem, an imbalance of nutrients and, as silly as it may sound, a lack of laughter in our lives.

Stress is a health disruptor. Everyone knows that stress is detrimental to health. However, not everyone knows exactly how stress destroys health in multiple ways.

Most are familiar with the understanding that stress affects the adrenal glands. In fact, the adrenal glands are considered the stress center of the body. When you are stressed, your minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and zinc, are compromised. When this occurs you raise blood pressure, increase water retention and may not be able to manufacture whole and complete insulin. (The reason for incomplete insulin production is because zinc is a key component of insulin production.)

Another transaction that occurs when the adrenals become taxed is that immune function decreases and creates a situation where you cannot adequately regulate sugar within the blood stream. This can lead to hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and hyperglycemia (diabetes).

High potency supplements are essential for anyone dealing with stress. If sugar metabolism is also an issue then a high potency multi mineral is also beneficial. I stress high potency nutrients because the B vitamins are compromised by stress and diminished in the body by liquids. Vitamins are co-enzymes and the body runs on enzyme processes. The minerals should also be of meaningful amounts as they support thousands of transactions within.

There are many ways to cope with and manage the symptoms of stress, especially during the holiday season. Some are healthy and productive, others not so much. You must take a hard look at your diet. Foods that provide little or no nutritional value should be reduced or eliminated. Supplements should be taken to help replace those nutrients lost or missing from your diet. Food additives like caffeine, excessive salt, alcohol, sugar, preservatives and even hormones attack the body, further reducing its ability to deal physically with daily stressors. Be aware that food allergies, even minor ones, can impact the body adversely.

If the holidays send your stress levels soaring, try replacing that martini with some non-alcoholic cider or caffeine free herbal tea, nibble on some fresh fruits and veggies or unsalted nuts, take a walk around the block, and replenish nutrients with high potency supplements. Lastly, remember to laugh and have fun.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season!